What's new on Embodia
May 27, 2024: Practice management - New feature
Adding general notes on the scheduling calendar
May 27, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Panel & Participant Discussion: Where is Yoga Therapy at?
May 24, 2024: Practice management - New feature
Allowing your colleagues to add to your chart entries
May 24, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Trauma Aware Yoga in Weekly Classes
May 23, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Befriending Corpse Pose
May 22, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Yoga Therapy for Chronic Neck Pain & Headaches
May 21, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Dynamic Polyvagal Play
May 17, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Neuroscience Yoga Therapy and Chronic Pain
May 16, 2024: Practice management - New feature
Webhooks to communicate with other applications
May 16, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Vestibular Therapy and Common Pitfalls to Avoid
May 15, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
A Practical Guide For Persistent Pain Therapy - November 2024 Live Course
May 13, 2024: HEP - New feature
Customizing your dashboard
May 10, 2024: Practice management - New feature
Receive a daily notification if your patients added progress diary entries
May 02, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Vestibular Therapy and Common Pitfalls to Avoid
April 30, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Yoga and Science in Pain Care - Grief and pain, Both Living Things
April 29, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
External Pacing in Movement Rehabilitation using a Sensory Discriminative Approach
April 24, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Grand Rounds 17
April 23, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Yoga and Science in Pain Care - Yoga for Recovery from Addiction
April 17, 2024: Practice management - New feature
Customizing emails sent after the consult
April 11, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Surgical Management of Diastasis Rectus Abdominis - Tummy Tuck Core Rehab
April 10, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
ABCs of AFOs: Toward an Evidence-Informed Understanding of Ankle-Foot Orthoses
April 10, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Yoga and Science in Pain Care - Transforming Psycho-Emotional Pain
April 09, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
An Introduction to Rehab Techniques in Oncology
April 04, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Yoga and Science in Pain Care - Does Knowledge about Pain Biology Help with Pain Management?
April 03, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
From Fear to Safety - How to Create a Person Centered Approach for Back Pain